From the perspective of anthroposophy there are not only 5 but 12 senses, which can be divided into three areas:
*The physical senses - they give us information about ourselves.
Life senses (called "well-being" by Jean Ayres)
Sense of self-motion (called "proprioperceptive sense" by Jean Ayres)
Sense of balance (called "vestibular feeling or system" by Jean Ayres)
*The emotional senses - give us information about the environment, and whether we like it or not.
Sense of warmth
Sense of taste
Sense of smell
*The cognitive senses - they make us perceive our counterpart
Sense of hearing
Sense of language
Sense of concept
Sense of the ego (feeling for the self of the other person)
Transforming physical senses into social skills
Sense of touch..........If I don't perceive myself,
then I don't perceive my counterpart either. In colloquial language, "to be tactful" means knowing how to deal with the other person. Therefore, difficulties in the sense of touch (hyposensitivity - hypersensitivity) can be transformed into behavioural problems, according to contemporary experts such as Jean Ayres and Sally Goddard.
Sense of life..........sense for the perception of other people's thoughts
The same energies that take care of our health and well-being are also responsible for generating thoughts. This is one of the pillars of Waldorf education, the relationship between life force (energetic) and cognitive abilities. In this case it is the sense of life, i.e. the ability to perceive and self-regulate my physical and emotional needs, which forms the basis of the ability to perceive the thought of the other.
Sense of self-motion.........
The movement as the basis for creating language
Sense of balance............
Jean Ayres and Sally Goddard speak today of a lack of maturity of the vestibular system and balance, which leads to problems in the ability to listen attentively, to "absorb what I hear".
To consciously experience our senses means to arrive in the present.
In view of the great relevance that the observance and cultivation of the senses has for the daily life of all people, we have worked out an experiential path of the twelve senses, on which we can experience them. We then process our impressions through artistic work and conversations.
The physical senses - the observation of life
Warmth, a way of relaxation and presence, taste as a choice of affinities, smell, intuition of survival, seeing, looking or observing...?
At least 4 participants - registration at the reception.
Place: Finca Lomos Altos
Costs 20 €.
Fridays from 9.30 to 12.
By Mikaela Nowak Waldorf teacher, social worker and Carolina Reiris Waldorf teacher, biographer and anthroposophically oriented social educator